Dhoop or incense sticks are the original aromatics used to cleanse inner spaces and transform them into a soothing space. These dhoops have a history dating back to ancient times when barks of trees were dried and burned to create a fragrant aroma in holy spaces. Today this ancient practice of burning agarbatti remains in several cultures, especially in India.
In India, temples go through millions of dhoop in a day because of various religions thriving in the country together. However, most of these agarbatti brands use below-par ingredients like synthetic resin, artificial fragrance, and chemicals to craft their incense sticks. When you burn these sticks toxic fumes get released into the air and cause pollution.
However, continuous use of these agarbatti impacts your health as well. Thus you should find a natural alternative to these agarbatti. But where to find the best dhoop in India that’s organic and eco-friendly? In this article, we offer you all the information related to such a sustainable dhoop brand, Kahhak Encensery.
Kahhak Encensery: An Eco-Friendly Agarbatti Brand In India
Kahhak Encensery is an organic agarbatti brand in India specializing in eco-friendly and sustainable dhoops. They use only ethically sourced ingredients to make their agarbatti paste and above traditional bamboo cores in their dhoop. This makes them create the best dhoop in India that doesn’t impact the environment or your health.
Kahhak Shop is the perfect place to find Kahhak Encensery dhoop. Additionally, you can order these sticks online and get them delivered to your doorstep anywhere in India. Their agarbatti are long-lasting, cost-effective, sustainable, low in emissions and ash production, and come with the best aromas. So, here are all the reasons why you should choose Kahhak Encensery incense sticks.
Why You Should Choose Kahhak Encensery Incense Sticks?
The best dhoop in India is crafted using high-quality and ethically sourced ingredients from nature so you can enjoy a clean and natural essence. Kahhak Encensery is one of the best agarbatti brands in India that understands the need for a sustainable dhoop brand.
Thus their incense paste is formulated using natural resin, biodegradable aromatics, essential oils, and no bamboo core. So, you can enjoy a natural scent without affecting your respiratory system and the air. This is the sole reason why you should choose Kahhak’s incense sticks.
However, quality and sustainability aren’t the only things that are best with Kahhak’s aroma sticks. These sticks are low in emission and ash production so your inner space is not congested with the smoke from the dhoop, unlike traditional agarbatti.
When it comes to long-lasting essence, these sticks can burn up to 2550 seconds or almost an hour, depending on the space. So, next time you want to purchase incense sticks, try Kahhak Encensery dhoop to experience a natural aroma like no other.
Kahhak Shop offers all the sustainable products of Kahhak Industries under one platform. From Kahhak Publishers’ books to their aromatics like incense sticks, you can order all their products from this single platform. You can order these products from anywhere in India as they offer pan-India delivery. So if you ever need any eco-friendly dhoop or some great Bengali literature books, visit their website.